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Research by Dr. Kerry-Ann Escayg

Dr. Escayg combines her passion for working with children, sharing stories, and equipping pre-service educators in anti-racism praxis with child-centered qualitative research projects. One of her current research studies deconstructs white supremacy by querying “What is Whiteness?” (working title) and foregrounding the subsequent responses, experiences, and perspectives of African American children. Findings from the investigation will be used to script an anti-racism curriculum guide for Early Childhood Education and will include practical suggestions on how to speak with children about race and racism, how to cultivate racial pride, and how to create an anti-racist ‘play-based’ learning environment.

Research Perspectives

"Anti-racism informs all work that I undertake

including the types of research activities I design and implement. 

I see research as a form of storytelling and anti-racist research as a form of activism. Thus, when I conduct interviews with either adults or children, I listen carefully to their stories. For a moment, they invite me into their collective world(s); in turn, I share their experiences, whether such narratives may be positive or negative. Moreover, when I listen or acknowledge the particulars of their lives,

I become part of the story too.”


Research Collaborations

Dr. Escayg is a member of the Researchers Investigating Sociocultural Equity and Race (RISER) network

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